About Us

Welcome to FabLense. We are dedicated to helping manufacturing companies make better, more informed decisions. Founded in 2022 by Corentin Hillion, an industrial engineer with over 12 years' experience in Australian manufacturing, we're dedicated to harnessing the power of data to drive success.

At our core, we believe that data holds the key to smart decision-making in manufacturing. That's why we've developed a cutting-edge solution to collect and analyse data from your machines or other manufacturing assets. Our platform offers real-time insights to optimise operations, enhance efficiency, and cut costs.

Understanding that every manufacturing business is unique, our platform is highly customisable to suit your specific needs. We'll collaborate closely with you to grasp your business goals and objectives, providing ongoing support to ensure you get the most out of our platform.

Thank you for considering FabLense as your partner in manufacturing data analytics. We're excited to work with you and drive your business forward.